Content Makes Things Happen.

Content is how businesses, particularly law firms, communicate – with customers, with partners, clients, influencers, employees. My job is to get the right words in front of the right audience at the right time.

The world is awash in mediocre content, but really good content — engaging, energetic, strategic, with a distinct and appealing voice — is a force multiplier. This is especially true in the post-COVID era of remote work, when content is often the only marketing avenue you have.

Everyone responds to great content. Whether it’s a ghostwritten article, a speech, web copy or a white paper, if it’s well-written it has impact and staying power. Readers remember and share it. It’s a springboard for ideas. Content is where thought leadership takes place. It’s where and how people engage with information and ideas and decide to do something. Done well, it can also make very complex ideas accessible, and even interesting.

Creating it requires a combination of a lot of different kinds of work. It begins with building a strategy, and defining who you are trying to reach and what you’re trying to communicate. There’s writing and editing, making everything clean, lucid, energetic and understandable, thinking in terms of words, sentenced, paragraphs, pieces. And there’s some creativity. That’s the fun part, when one idea ignites another one, and before you know it, you’ve created something new and exciting.

Every page was once a blank page, just as every word that appears on it now was not always there, but instead reflects the final result of countless large and small deliberations. All the elements of good writing depend on the writer’s skill in choosing one word instead of another. And what grabs and keeps our interest has everything to do with those choices.

Francine Prose — Reading Like a Writer

I believe that if sufficient skill and effort are applied, any topic can be made interesting. People engage with content because it’s easy to read, because the ideas connect clearly, and because the tone and voice are human and appealing. My job is to do the work to bring it to life. If I put in the effort, the reader won’t have to. They’ll read the whole piece, and when they’re done, will have both enjoyed the experience, learned something, and above all, be moved to act.