The One-Sentence Paragraph: A Bad Idea

I have been reading more social media stuff than usual lately, and I’ve noticed something. A lot of people write posts that are strings of one-sentence paragraphs, one after the other. Some writers, with particularly acute cases of this disease, will write entire posts consisting of nothing but this stuff. Like this: I woke up. …

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

The current war in Ukraine is an excellent example. For obvious, and horrifying, reasons, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is something everyone is preoccupied with right now. That includes clients of law firms, many of whom are probably wondering what they can or should do about it. A great response was created by the law firm …

Andy Grove Saw This Coming. So Did Warren Zevon.

Andy Grove, former CEO of Intel, was not known for being a nice guy, or particularly easy to work with. He was, however, known for being tough as nails, fair, brilliant, and someone who got results. And he saw this whole COVID-19 thing coming. More specifically, if you’re running a law firm, he knew something …